Invasive burrito

I've got one sleeve rolled up, a needle in my arm and sterile tubing masking taped to my forearm- ready to be injected with contrast material for my CT scan. This should be the second scan of the day; I had a PET scan booked for 1 pm, but it didn't go down.

I got up early today, about ten to six, to take Caitlyn's mom to the airport. It was a beautiful, bright and cold morning in Nashville- the kind of morning that makes me wish that I got up that early more often. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of my fleeting go-getterism by going to work at about 7. There is always something to do there, and the earlier it is the more peaceful it tends to be. I was able to get a ton of inventory work done, swinging to the sweet, sweet sounds of On Point with Tom Ashbrook.

After my 11 o'clock meeting, I bolted to Chipotle, since I was starving after just having a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I both devoured and savored my burrito, if that is possible, enjoying the warmth of the meal and the place in contrast to the twenty-five degree weather outside. By the time I finished, it was about 12:30, and time to make the short trip over to Vandy for Scanathon '14.

I checked in with the lady at the window and was issued my stack of paperwork and my orange bracelet. But I craved something: a little post-lunch, pre-scan chocolate. As I stood up, I asked the lady a very important question: where can I get a candy bar?

"Well you can't eat nothing before the PET scan." She did not answer my question of where I could get a candy bar. But she did answer the question that I turned over in my head last night: was I supposed to fast for the PET scan? I had one about ten weeks ago, but I couldn't recall whether fasting was necessary.

Yes, yes it was. And so I sabotaged the scan I have, honestly, been looking forward to for months. Better we caught it in the form of a conversation in the reception area than in invasive burrito form on the scan itself.  So instead of getting both PET and CT scans today, I have to come back tomorrow at 6:45 (am, people) for the PET.

Early, yes, but it should be easy to fast for that one.